Switch Gear and Devices is an education application which cover all topic ,with important theory, which is available totally free on play store.
Protective Devices: Philosophy of protection, Nature, Causes and consequences of faults, Zone of
protection, Requirements of a protective scheme, Basic terminology components of protection scheme.
Relay classification, Principle of different types of electromagnetic relay.
Feeder: Protection: Over current and earth fault protection, Distance protection, Pilot wire protection,
Carrier current protection.
Generator Protection: Biased differential protection, restricted earth fault protection, Field suppression,
Negative sequence protection, Earth fault detection in rotor circuit
Power transformer Protection: Biased differential protections, restricted earth fault protection, Buchholz
relay Protection of combined transformer and alternator.
Bus Zone Protection: frame leakage and circulating current scheme-use of Translay relay.
Circuit Breakers: Formation of arc during circuit breaking. Characteristics of electric arc. Theories of arc
Interruption. Recovery and restriking voltage, interruption of capacitive and inductive currents. Current
chopping. Principle of A.C. and D.C. circuit breaking requirements of good circuit breaker circuit breaker
D.C. Circuit breaker.
H.R.C. Fuse: Construction and characteristics
Static Relays : Development and classification of static relays, Different types of phase and amplitude
Arrangement of Bus bar, Circuit breaker and isolator. Current limiting reactors in power system and their
arrangement calculation of fault MVA for symmetrical short circuits. Circuit breaker capacity
Beralih Gear dan Devices adalah sebuah aplikasi pendidikan yang mencakup semua topik, dengan teori yang penting, yang tersedia benar-benar gratis di toko bermain.
Pelindung Devices: Filsafat perlindungan, Alam, Penyebab dan konsekuensi dari kesalahan, Zona
perlindungan, Persyaratan skema pelindung, komponen terminologi dasar dari skema perlindungan.
klasifikasi Relay, Prinsip dari berbagai jenis relay elektromagnetik.
Feeder: Perlindungan: Lebih dari perlindungan kesalahan saat ini dan bumi, perlindungan Jarak, perlindungan kawat Pilot,
Pembawa perlindungan saat.
Generator Perlindungan: perlindungan diferensial bias, terbatas perlindungan kesalahan bumi, penindasan Field,
perlindungan urutan negatif, deteksi kesalahan Bumi di sirkuit rotor
Perlindungan transformator daya: perlindungan diferensial Bias, terbatas perlindungan kesalahan bumi, Buchholz
menyampaikan Perlindungan transformator gabungan dan alternator.
Bus Zona Perlindungan: bingkai kebocoran dan beredar saat ini skema-penggunaan Translay relay.
Circuit Breakers: Pembentukan busur sirkuit selama breaking. Karakteristik busur listrik. Teori busur
Gangguan. Pemulihan dan tegangan restriking, gangguan arus kapasitif dan induktif. Arus
memotong. Prinsip A.C. dan D.C. persyaratan sirkuit melanggar sirkuit yang baik pemutus sirkuit pemutus
DC Circuit breaker.
H.R.C. Fuse: Konstruksi dan karakteristik
Relay statis: Pengembangan dan klasifikasi relay statis, Berbagai jenis fase dan amplitudo
Pengaturan Bus bar, Circuit breaker dan isolator. membatasi reaktor saat ini dalam sistem kekuasaan dan mereka
Perhitungan penataan MVA kesalahan untuk sirkuit pendek simetris. kapasitas pemutus sirkuit